




Independent Learning

Launching September 2022

Following a successful year of pilots we are delighted to officially launch the Positive Learning Behaviours Programme.

A year long project bringing staff together with training and 'Action Research' enquiry projects to develop and implement a range of pedagogical practices that promote whole school improvement and impact the culture and language of positive learning.

What We Do...

Imagine for Schools works with pupils, staff and families  actively encouraging an engagement in the development of Academic and Emotional RESILIENCE, CONFIDENCE, IDENTITY and LEARNING.

Our offerings range from pupil workshops and one to one mentoring sessions, staff training and coaching, family workshops through to to embedded packages of trainings and support involving staff (and pupils) in ‘Action Research’ style enquiries 

Pupils at the centre

We deliver fun, engaging and high impact workshops for pupils across the school. Each workshop is designed and expertly delivered to inspire pupils and shift the culture of the classroom.  

Peak to peak flyer front image

Resilience for learning and life.


Confidence and resilience for the transition to a new school.

Whole School Embedded Package...

Our whole school embedded package involves multiple sessions of training, coaching, workshops and intervention over the course of 1-3 years, working with pupils, staff and families.

This is tailored to suit each school's specific needs.
The package includes...
  • Staff training
  • ‘Action Research’ style enquiry projects for staff
  • One-to-one staff coaching
  • SLT consultation
  • Pupil workshops and assemblies
  • Focussed pupil support and mentoring
  • Family workshops

From the people that matter the most...

It has helped my class overcome challenging situations, particularly the higher ability mathematicians. Its has helped build their resilience as they were not used to getting things wrong.
Claire Beechey
Assistant Head Teacher
(Parish Primary School, St Helens)
The workshop was excellent - I didn't know what to expect... was slightly dreading it, ended up loving it! Thank you!
It's good because it challenges you and challenge helps you to learn.
Y3 Pupil

Since 2017 we have worked directly with...

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Through 1-1 coaching, twilights, INSET days and embedded package Action Research enquiry projects.

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Through whole class workshops, small group focussed support and 1-1 mentoring.

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Through school based workshops, evening training and parent-child small group sessions.

Get in touch...

We would love to talk about how we can work with your school. Here’s how you can get in touch…


Call us on 01684 310425 or contact Tim on 07886 458119

Alternatively, you can fill in the enquiry form below.